Northern California Earthquake Catalog Search


For Researchers: Metadata for reproducing NCSS locations with Hypoinverse 2000

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Help pages for catalog search

Input Catalog
Output Format
NCSN catalog in readable format
NCSN catalog in Hypoinverse format
NCSN catalog + Phase in Hypoinverse format
NCSN catalog in KML format for input into Google Earth
NCSN catalog in CSV format
NCSN catalog in Cross Sectional Set of Events

Notice: On 10/7/15, the NCEDC changed the depth datum for the NCSN earthquake catalog. Reported depths for all events since 1966 are now referenced to the geoid (sea level). More information
Other info on catalog formats:  Raw catalog & phase

BDSN catalog in readable format
BDSN catalog in raw format
BDSN catalog + Phase in raw format
Fault Plane solutions in Fpfit format
Fault Plane solutions in PSVELO format
Moment Tensors in PSMECA format
Moment Tensors in UCB format
Moment Tensors in CMT Standard format
DD catalog in readable format
DD catalog in Hypoinverse format
DD catalog in KML format for input into Google Earth
DD catalog in CSV format
DD catalog in Cross Sectional Set of Events

(Please refer here for more information on this catalog.)

Earthquake Parameters
 Earthquakes  Blasts (Quarry or Nuclear)  All Events
Additional Search Parameters
Output Mechanism

Acknowledgements and References

When you use data from the NCEDC, please provide a proper acknowledgementof the data source.

When using the double-difference catalog please use the following two references for the base catalog (1984-2011) and the real-time catalog (2012-present), respectively:

  • Waldhauser, F. and D.P. Schaff, Large-scale relocation of two decades of Northern California seismicity using cross-correlation and double-difference methods, J. Geophys. Res.,113, B08311, doi:10.1029/2007JB005479, 2008.
  • Waldhauser, F., Near-real-time double-difference event location using long-term seismic archives, with application to Northern California, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 2736-2848, doi:10.1785/0120080294, 2009.

Questions, Comments, and Feedback

We encourage you to contact us at with questions, comments and feedback concerning the NCEDC.