Procedures to overlay release on a previous MSHEAR version are shown below. Similar procedures work for USHEAR are given further below but have not been tested. We assume the back* files and the release backout file ( reside in the directory /h0/holding. The file should be consistent with the filename of the release you are using. The subsequent lines are replies to overwrite .login, OS9Boot, and sys/password. To launch the procedure enter holding/back.doit.4120 or whichever one you want to use. ===back.doit.4120=== chd /h0 copy /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection /h0/was.selection holding/backover backin -f startup * remove the next three lines * if you are NOT installing your own key files chd /h0/mshear/cfg rename STATIONS STATIONS.DIST chd /h0 * end of optional section copy was.selection /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection -f del was.selection attr -w startmodem del startmodem makdir /h0/CONFIGTEST echo "here is the selection" ; list /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection echo "here is part of the startup file" ; grep startup /h0/startup echo "extract the key archive!" ====back.doit.680==== chd /h0 copy /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection /h0/was.selection holding/backover backin -f startup chd /h0/mshear/cfg rename STATIONS STATIONS.DIST chd /h0 copy was.selection /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection -f del was.selection attr -w OS9Boot del OS9Boot chd /h0fmt os9gen /h0fmt -eb=100k chd /h0 attr -w startmodem del startmodem makdir /h0/CONFIGTEST echo "here is the selection" ; list /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection echo "here is part of the startup file" ; grep startup /h0/startup echo "extract the key archive!" ====back.doit.730======= chd /h0 copy /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection /h0/was.selection load format makdir copy rename del dir deldir list edt attr backin utiltrap load compress grep holding/backover -nx deldir -qf *.was -x backin -f startup chd /h0/mshear/cfg rename STATIONS STATIONS.DIST chd /h0 copy was.selection /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection -f del was.selection attr -w startmodem del startmodem makdir /h0/CONFIGTEST echo "here is the selection" ; list /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection echo "here is part of the startup file" ; grep startup /h0/startup echo "extract the key archive!" ====backover==== chd /h0 rename ALERTS ALERTS.was rename CMDS CMDS.was rename CONFIGTEST CONFIGTEST.was rename HARDWARE_UTIL HARDWARE_UTIL.was rename HTTP HTTP.was rename IRBF IRBF.was rename MSHEAR MSHEAR.was rename ISP98 ISP98.was rename LIB LIB.was rename LICENSE LICENSE.was rename OVERLAYS OVERLAYS.was rename SYS SYS.was makdir SYS copy SYS.was/password SYS/password del startup_* rename startup startup.was holding/ y n n n Procedures to overlay release on a version of USHEAR or SHEAR: These procedures will leave some directories for USHEAR on the disk. These can be deleted after MSHEAR is running with the command deldir -qf USHEAR ... ===back.doit.4120.ushear=== chd /h0 holding/backover.ushear backin -f startup * remove the next three lines * if you are NOT installing your own key files chd /h0/mshear/cfg rename STATIONS STATIONS.DIST chd /h0 * end of optional section attr -w startmodem del startmodem makdir /h0/CONFIGTEST echo "here is part of the startup file" ; grep startup /h0/startup echo "edit the file /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection" echo "extract the key archive!" ====backover.ushear===== chd /h0 rename OVERLAYS OVERLAYS.was rename SYS SYS.was makdir SYS copy SYS.was/password SYS/password del startup_* rename startup startup.was * the following directories may or may not be in USHEAR * delete the line if you do not have the directory in USHEAR rename LICENSE LICENSE.was rename IRBF IRBF.was rename LIB LIB.was The following procedure is a more elaborate sequence that will format disk and install release on a clean system using a ram disk for temporary storage. The current release may exceed the 6Mb ram disk with the examples. Make a new backout file without these if you want to do this procedure. This part describes a procedure to create a set of files that will build a completely fresh copy of the mshear distribution on a system disk. There are slightly different procedures for Q680 type systems and Q4120 type systems. The present procedure assumes the disk is a Q2100 2 Gbyte type, this can be editted for proper size. It assumes the mshear archive is called MS072221. You can edit the script with sed -e 's/' mkram4120 >new.mkram4120 and do this for mkram4120, mkram680, The procedure creates a 6 megabyte RAM disk and copies all necessary files into this space. It then reformats the hard disk and performs a backin of the mshear bundle. Extra files are deleted, os9boot is generated. After mkram4120 or mkram680 completes there are two steps to be performed manually. An archive containing station keys (K990722.lzh) is extracted. The file /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection must be editted to correspond to the current station selection. The station must be rebooted and then steps 13 and 14 performed as described below. There is a problem with the backin procedure executed on Quanterra systems already running a version of MSHEAR using this procedure. Sometimes a directory is created as a file and subsequent extraction of files into this directory fails. The output of backin is redirected to a file and scanned for errors in order to alert the operator to the circumstance. If it occurs, you must rename the offending file and run backin -f -m and enter the directory name to recover the directory properly. Since the file is left open you probably can't delete it yet. A single file is supplied for remote upgrades called mshbink.lzh, you can use this directly except you must add a step 13.5) in the procedure below to edit /h0/liccode to the code valid for your network. Or you can extract the file msh5txt.lzh on an OS-9 or Sun machine, edit the liccode once, make any other changes you want to the scripts (for example to use a mshear backout file with a different name or to modify qtrm to do something you like) and rebuild the file msh5txt.lzh as described below. Building the lharc archives. The first archive contains text files and then this file is embedded in the second archive. lharc -at msh5txt.lzh qtrm yes liccode dolic mkram4120 mkram680 lharc -a mshbink.lzh olay.lzh msh5txt.lzh K990722.lzh mkram are the procedure files which run the copy and reformatting. olay.lzh are the ram descriptors for /r1_5M and /r1_6M. qtrm just cleans out the directory /h0/MSHEAR/CFG/STATIONS and is just a comment unless you uncomment the deldir lines. specifies the filename of (e.g., To use a different file you have to also edit mkram so the copies work out. liccode is your network license private key dolic is a procedure to install the liccode yes tells the format program to proceed. The file K990722.lzh (or the current bundle) contains keys for your specific stations and your network directory of templates. Created, for example, on a development system like; sysop:chd /h0 sysop:lharc -at K981205.lzh MSHEAR/CFG/STATIONS/* MSHEAR/CFG/NETWORKS/KOREA/* The mshear bundle and mshbink.lzh must be transferred to the target system using ftp or kermit (binary mode). =================station procedure=================== 0.1) Send and mshbink.lzh to a station. 0.2) check that mshbink.lzh and exist and are correct size. 0.3) check that mfree -e shows a 6megabyte chunk available (usually you have to reboot with only one dacommo running for a 16Mb system) 0) chd /h0 1) lharc -x mshbink.lzh 2) lharc -x olay.lzh 3) lharc -xt msh4txt.lzh 4) copy -rw=/r0 mkram4120 5) chd /r0 aqstop if you haven't already 6) mkram4120 Watch output of backin carefully for bad directories 7) chd /h0 8) chx /h0/cmds 9) lharc -xt holding/K990722.lzh (or whatever the latest key bundle is) 10) edt /h0/mshear/cfg/.selection (delete the quanterra default and add your station) 11) /h0/hardware_util/4120/reboot & logout If station does not come back, you probably have to visit the site to figure out the error.. 12) login again 13) /r0/set_password 14) /h0/dolic ; del /h0/dolic Works the same for 680's except you type mkram680 in step 4 above. =============================mkram4120================================ chd /h0 load -d OVERLAYS/r1_6M echo "creating 6megabyte ram disk" iniz r1 copy -rw=/r1 K99* qtrm liccode yes dolic load format makdir copy rename del dir list edt attr deldir backin utiltrap load compress grep chd /r0 del keymacros makdir T chd t unsqueeze packed -f -m load -d h0fmt.4120 chd /h0 format /h0fmt -c=16 -rv=Q2100 -np -nv >>/r1/back.oops grep error /r1/back.oops sleep -s 3 chd /h0 chx /h0/cmds sed 's/* startup_4120/startup_4120/' startup_choose1 >startup shell (qtrm) del -f startmodem chd /h0 del yes qtrm copy -rw=holding K99* del *.lzh echo "lharc -xt the key archive and CHANGE THE SELECTION!" ================================mkram680============================== chd /h0 load -d OVERLAYS/r1_6M echo "creating 6megabyte ram disk" iniz r1 copy -rw=/r1 K99* qtrm liccode yes dolic load format makdir copy rename del dir list edt attr deldir backin utiltrap load compress grep format /h0fmt -c=16 -rv=Q2100 -np -nv >>-/r1/back.oops grep error /r1/back.oops sleep -s 3 chx /h0/cmds echo "adding boot file ..." os9gen /h0fmt -q=os9boot -eb=100k chd /h0 echo "editting startup file ..." sed 's/* startup_147/startup_147/' startup_choose1 >startup echo "removing startmodem file..." del -f startmodem qtrm del qtrm copy -rw=holding K99* del *.bo *.lzh echo "lharc -xt the key archive and CHANGE THE SELECTION!" ==========================qtrm========================== echo "Leaving STATIONS directory alone ..." *uncomment the next two lines to remove STATIONS and alter first line to report * deldir -q /h0/mshear/cfg/stations * makdir /h0/mshear/cfg/STATIONS ======================== yes=============================== y y ========================liccode================================ ####12A3 /r1/