Information for installing and running SWARM Doug Neuhauser, Last updated: 2011/06/03 The SWARM (Seismic Wave Analysis / Real-time Monitoring) program was developed by the USGS Alaska Volcano Observatory as a waveform display, monitoring, and analysis tool. It is written in Java, runs on many different computer and operating systems, and can use waveform data from many different data sources. 0. Requirements: Swarm-2.0rc3 requires java version 1.6 (also known as java6) or higher. Make sure that you have the proper version of java in your execution path by using the "java -version" command. java -version java version "1.6.0_25" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode) I. How to download swarm (for use with BSL and NCEDC data): 1. Download the swarm zip file (using BINARY ftp mode or a web browser) from either of the following URLs: 2. Download the swarm manual (using BINARY ftp mode or a web browser) from either of the following URLs: 3. Unzip the swarm zip file. This will create a directory named "swarm". 4. Change directory to the swarm directory. cd swarm 5A. For Linux/Unix/Solaris: Download the swarm configuration file (ASCII mode) from one of the following directories: Copy this file into the swarm directory, replacing the original file of this name. This will pre-define the NCEDC and BSL data servers. 5A. For Windows: Download the swarm configuration file (ASCII mode) from one of the following directories: Copy this file into the directory C:\Documents and Settings\your_account_name\ where "your_account_name" is the name of your Windows account. This config file will pre-define the NCEDC and BSL data servers. 6. (Optionally) download (in ASCII) any of the .layout files found in the directories: and copy them into the layout directory located in the swarm directory. II. How to start SWARM: 1A. For Unix or Linux, run the script. sh 1B. For Windows, run the swarm.bat script swarm.bat If you have successfully installed the SWARM config file, you should more than 2 data sources listed in the left side of the man SWARM window. It should include names such as BSL-EW1 BSL-EW2 BSL-EW3 III. Data Source Configuration: If you did not download the SWARM configuration file, you should define one or more data sources as described in Appendix I. 1. Click on the "Window" menu, and ensure that the "Data Chooser" line is checked. 2. The leftmost icon in the top of the "Data Chooser" window is used to add a new data source. Click on this icon to open a "New Data Source" window. Enter the following info for one of the data sources shown below. You can use this icon to define multiple data sources. The next-to-left icon can be used to edit any of the currently defined data sources. See Appendix 1 for information on NCEDC and BSL data sources. IV. Data Chooser Window: The "Data Chooser" window is optionally located on the left side of the SWARM window. The top icon bar contains icons that allow you to add, edit, and delete data sources. The top text windown below these icons contains a list of data sources. The icons at the bottom of the "Data Chooser" window allow you to create windows for selected data channels, or add selected data channels to existing windows. If you double-click on a top-level data source, it will expand to show more detail of the contents of the data sources. Most data sources need to download station and channel information from their servers. This may take a few moments, depending on the data source and the network connection. If the expanded source begins with a "+", you can click on this to further expand that data source. Eventually you will see a list of data channels identified by 3 or 4 names which correspond to the following fields: Station Channel Network Location Network name: The UC Berkeley stations are in one of 2 networks: BK (Berkeley Digital Broadband Network) BP (Berkeley Parkfield High Resolution Seismic Network) Station name: The station name is a 3-5 character name that names the site within the network. Channel name: The Channel name is a 3-charcter code that identifies which sensor (and other attributes) of the data channels. Common Channel are: Velocity (broadband) data channel: HHE East/West component HHN North/South component HHZ Vertical (Up/Down) compnent Accelerometer (strong motion) seismic data channel: HNE or HLE East/West component HNN or HLN North/South component HNZ or HLZ North/South component Location name: The Location name (if specified) can distinguish between different data channels of a similar type at the same station. It is usually blank or 00. You can click on any individual channel to select it. By using the SHIFT or CONTROL button along with the mouse, you can select multiple channels. Selected channels will be highlighted. IV. SWARM Data Display. SWARM displays waveform data in subwindows that are create for selected data channel. 1. Many of the subwindows created by swarm have icons at the top and/or bottom of the windows. If you move you mouse over the icon and leave it for several seconds, a small help box should appear that tells you the function of the icon. 2. SWARM has 3 basic windows for displaying waveforms, which are selected by icons at the bottom of the "Data Chooser" window. a. Helicorder window: Each helicorder window provides a multi-line display for a single channel of data. Normally up to 24 hours of information can be displayed in a helicorder window. b. Monitor window: Each monitor window can contains a scrolling display of one or more data channels from a given data source. c. Real-time Waveform window: Each real-time waveform window contains a scrolling display of one data channel. To create any of the above windows, select (highlight) one (or more) data channels, and then click on the corresponding icon on the bottom of the data selection window. This should open a new subwindow of the specified type with the selected data stream showed in it. V. Layouts If you have installed any of the optional layout configuration files, you can select them from the "Layout" menu at the top of the base SWARM window. This will open the pre-selected SWARM windows that are defined in the layout configuration file. You can save an existing SWARM window configuration as a layout that you can use at a later time. ******************************************************************************** Appendix 1: BSL and NCEDC Data Sources: 1. BSL Earthworm WaveServers: The UC Berkeley BSL (Berkeley Seismological Laboratory) has Earthworm waveservers available for recent high-rate data from the the BK network. The data are distributed (in alphabetical order) across 3 waveservers: Data Source Name: BSL-EW1 (or BSL-EW2 or BSL-EW3) Earthworm Wave Server tab: IP addr/Host: Port: 16021 (or 16022 or 16023) Timeout: 10.0 seconds (default) Gulp size: 30 minutes (default) Gulp Delay: 10 seconds (default) Timezone: UTC 2. The NCEDC (Northern California Earthquake Data Center) DART (Data Available in Real Time) can provide data from multiple networks for the last 30 days. You have to define a separate SWARM data source for each network served by the DART. The DART has data for the following networks: BK (Berkeley Digital Seismic Network) BP (Berkeley Parkfield Network) NC (USGS Northern CA Seismic Network) PB (EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory) 3. Here is the NCEDC DART Data Source info for the BK network. For other networks, substitute the appropriate 2-character network name in the Data Source Name and in the Network field. Data Source Name: NCEDC DART - BK DMC tab: Network DC: NCEDC_NetworkDC DNS: edu/berkeley/geo Seismogram DC: NCEDC_DartDataCenter DNS: edu/berkeley/geo Network: BK Gulp size: 60 minutes (default) Gulp delay 1.0 seconds (default)