E 052659 155801 36-43 121-37 - 4.6 C Southwest of Hollister. near Salinas F Felt Hollister, Salinas, Santa Cruz, Redwood City, Sausalito F USCGS: Felt over an area of approximately 4,500 square miles of the F coastal area of west-central California, principally in the region F west (sic, probably mean east) of Monterey Bay. Felt in some F communities of the San Francisco peninsula but not generally felt in F the San Francisco Bay areas. Max. int. VI. Slight damage: Plaster F cracked, windows and dishes broke, some stock fell from store shelves F Sharp shock. VI at Camp McCallum (about 8 miles southeast of Salinas) F Hollister, and Salinas. F V at Freedom, Gilroy, San Juan Bautista, Seaside, Spreckels, and F Watsonville. P EUR - i P - 155916.3 - A BRK WAE 68 - - A BRK WA - 8.2 10.5 S BRK WA - 0.3 0.4 A MHC WA - 50.5 51.0 A PAC WA - - 66 A SFB WAE 40.5 - - A SFB WA - 35 22.5 A FRE WAE 15.5 19.5 21 A MIN WA - 1.6 1.4 A REN WAE 11.5 21.7 16.0 A SHS WAE 16.3 10.1 9.5 A HOL - - 30 - P BRK Ben i P Z 155823.6 - P BRK GW i P NZ 155823.1 sd P BRK Ben i - Z 155825.2 - P BRK WA e (S) NE 155838.1 - P BRK WA i - N 155841.0 - P VIN Mar i P EZ 155803.7 - P MHC Ben i P NEZ 155813.7 d P MHC WA i S NE 155822.0 - P MIN WA e P NE 155900 - P SHS Ben e P Z 155905 - P USF Spr i P Z 155822.6 d P USF Spr i - Z 155824 - P USF WA i S NE 155839.6 - P REN Spr i P Z 155854.4 c P REN Spr i - NE 155828.9 - P PAC Ben i P Z 155817.3 c P PAC WA i S N 155828.9 - P FRE Spr i P Z 155826.4 c P FRE Spr i - N 155846.9 - P COR Sli e - Z 160004.8 - X