ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) NAME ascii_mem - description of ASCII Calnet mem file format DESCRIPTION Specification for Ascii Format of Data (modified 5/8/92) The ascii format outlined here consists of a sequence of 'cards', with the format of each card dictated by the initial field on the card. The cards are of variable length. Each is terminated by a 'newline' character. This format can easily be converted to fixed length (80 charac- ter) cards with/without card-terminators. Each card has a key letter in the first column that indicates the type of information on the rest of the card. The format of the data in each card is outlined below. The column number refers to the column in which the data record starts (beginning with column 1). Each event begins with an 'I'- card. This is the only card which must be present for each event. The ordering of the cards is not important; however, the I - card must appear before any of the cards that use time relative to the reference time (i.e. P and G cards). The time field on most cards is given as seconds before or after the reference time given in the I - card. This method allows located local events, as well as regional and teleseismic events to have the same format. For located local events, the cusp system generaly uses the reference time is the minute of the origin time. For unlocated events, the reference time is just a convenient marker point, e.g. it may be the trigger time of the array. ================================================================================ I card -- Identification information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 4 i4 year reference: year 8 2 i2 mon reference: month 11 2 i2 day reference: day 14 2 i2 hour reference: hour 17 2 i2 min reference: minute 20 6 f6.3 sec reference: second (see >2) 27 8 i8 id event ID number (CUSPID) 36 8 i8 parid parent ID number (different from id if clone) 45 1 a1 type event type: 'L' local 'R' regional 'T' teleseism SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 1 ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) 'Q' quarry 'C' calibration 'U' unknown Total card width = 45 =============================================================================== L card -- Location information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 7 f7.3 lat latitude (decimal degrees, positive = north). 11 8 f8.3 lon longitude (decimal degrees, positive = east). 20 6 f6.2 depth depth (km, positive = down). 27 9 f9.3 t0 origin time relative to reference (sec). 37 3 a3 const constraints on epicenter location Currently defined: T - Origin Time constrained Z - depth constrained. E - Latitude and longitude constrained 41 3 a3 prog method of location QED - quick epicentral location HYP - hypoinverse Total card width = 43 ================================================================================ E card -- Error of epicenter information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 7 f7.3 rms residual of mean squares 11 7 f7.3 laterr error in latitude (km) 19 7 f7.3 lonerr error in longitude (km) 27 7 f7.3 deperr depth error (km). 35 7 f7.3 t0err error in origin time (sec). 43 4 i4 nph # of picked phases 48 4 i4 neq # of phases used in solution 53 5 f5.1 gap azimuthal gap (0.0 means not specified) 59 5 f5.1 firsta distance from epicenter to nearest station (km) (0.0 means not specified) Total card width = 63 ================================================================================ M card -- Magnitude information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 1 a1 mtype magnitude type 'l' local (Wood-Anderson) magnitude 'c' coda amplitude magnitude 'h' helicorder magnitude 'd' coda duration magnitude 'b' body-wave magnitude SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 2 ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) 's' surface-wave magnitude 'e' energy magnitude 5 6 f6.2 mag magnitude 11 3 i3 nmag # of codas or amplitudes used in computation 15 4 a4 agency agency determining magnitude Total card width = 18 ================================================================================ P card -- Pick information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 15 a15 sname station name/component/network (see >1) 19 3 a3 rec recording system (see >3) 23 6 a6 phase phase-name (see >4) 30 3 a3 descrip first motion/weight/appearance (see >4) 34 9 f10.3 tt arrival time relative to reference time (sec) Total card width = 42 ================================================================================ C card -- Coda information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 15 a15 sname station name/component/network (see >1) 19 3 a3 rec recording system (see >3) 23 7 f7.3 afix nominal coda amplitude 31 7 f7.3 afree free amplitude 39 7 f7.3 qfix fixed coday decay constant 47 7 f7.3 qfree free decay 55 7 f7.3 tau coda duration (F-P time) (sec) 63 8 f8.2 amp S-wave amplitude (counts) 72 3 i3 nsample number of coda sample windows 76 5 f5.2 rms residual of mean squares for coda fit Total card width = 80 =============================================================================== A card -- Amplitude information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 15 a15 sname station name/component/network (see >1) 19 3 a3 rec recording system (see >3) 23 7 f7.2 amp amplitude (in mm) 31 6 a6 phase phase amplitude measured from (other than S) 38 6 f6.2 period period of amplitude Total card width = 44 =============================================================================== G card -- Gram information col len format name comment SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 3 ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 15 a15 sname station name/component/network (see >1) 19 3 a3 rec recording system (see >3) 23 8 f8.2 tstart time of start of trace, relative to reference 32 8 f8.2 tend time of end of trace, relative to reference 41 8 f8.4 dt sample period for this station 50 10 i10 index index to start of (first byte) of seismogram 61 8 i8 length number of bytes in seismogram 70 3 a3 fmt format of data (see >5) 74 6 i6 bias station bias (counts) Total card width = 78 =============================================================================== T card -- Arkive Tape information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 7 i7 tape CUSP arkive tape number 11 4 i4 file CUSP file number on tape 16 7 i10 arkid arkive ID number Total card width = 25 ================================================================================ R card -- Remark information col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 X aX remark any ascii string up to 76 chars. Total card width = 80(max) ================================================================================ N card -- Name of event card col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 3 X aX ename event name, if known or exists Total card width= 80(max) ================================================================================ Notes: >1 STATION NAMES/COMPONENT/NETWORK: (********SUBJECT TO CHANGE*****) Beginning in January 1992, station names are specified by a 9-letter name, consisting of a 3-letter geographical reference, a 3 letter component extension (consisting of Instrument, Gain and Orientation), and a 3 letter network identification. COMPONENT EXTENSIONS: SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 4 ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) Instrument Gain Orientation ----------- ---- ----------- V - Short Period | H - high | Z - vertical W - Wood-Anderson | L - Low | N - north/south B - Broad-Band | F - very low | E - east/west L - Long Period | S - strong motion | A - accelerometer (FBA) NETWORK IDENTIFICATION: Prior to January of 1992, station names are specified by a 3-letter geographical reference, plus a component and/or instrument extension. The following extensions are used: V: vertical, high gain, short period. Z,N,E vertical, N and E components, low gain, short period. I,J,K: vertical, N and E components, strong motion, accelerometer. A,B,C: vertical, N and E components, very low gain, accelerometer. 1,2,3: vertical, N and E components, low gain, broad band. >2 REFERENCE TIME: The reference time is designated as a convenient time to reference all other times. EXAMPLE: Located CUSP events use the nearest minute to the event origin time; unlocated CUSP events use the nearest minute to the origin time. >3 RECORDING SYSTEM: This field identifies the system that recorded the data. For SCSN the following are in use: MV2: uVAX-2 online system. MV1: uVAX-1 system. HEL: Helicorder N34: North PDP-11/34 system. S34: South PDP-11/34 system. >4 PHASE NAMES/DESCRIPTIONS: This field describes the type of phase and the nature of its arrival. phases : e.g. P, S, SKS, PcP, etc. Phases such as P? or P?? are used in teleseisms for phases that are recognized on helicorder records, but for which the travel path is not known. P? in all stations would represent the same phase. P?? would represent an unknown phase which arrived after P?, and so on. first motions: 'U' = up SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 5 ASCII_MEM(5Q) Misc. Reference Manual Pages ASCII_MEM(5Q) 'D' = down '+' = up (in older data) or nodal arrival '-' = down (in older data) or nodal arrival weight = uncertainty in the location of the pick 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = appearance of arrival 'I' = impulsive 'E' = emergent >5 WAVEFORM DATA FORMATS: This field indicates the (binary) format of the the digital seismograms on the mass storage system. These formats are identified by a number. The starred formats are currently supported: 0: Unknown, or Not Applicable *1: Standard-order 2-byte integers (i.e. SUNsparc short) 2: Reverse-order 2-byte integers (i.e. DECvax short) *3: Standard-order 4-byte integers (i.e. SUNsparc integer) 4: Reverse-order 4-byte integers (i.e. DECvax integer) 5: IEEE 4-byte floating-point (i.e. SUNsparc float) 6: DEC 4-byte floating-point (i.e. DECvax float) 7: SEED format SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 8 May 1992 6