Misc. Reference Manual Pages NCSN(5Q) NAME NCSN, ncsn, calnet - description of USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) data at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC) DESCRIPTION The Data Center stores the following types of data which were recorded by NCSN: 1. catalog listings from 1968 to the present. 2. phase listings from 1968 to the present. 3. digital seismograms (grm files) for local, regional and teleseismic events. 4. mem files - contain the binary event parameters and pointers to individual traces in the grm files. 5. ascii mem files - ascii version of the mem files. 6. NCSN parameters - station locations in /data/dc1/ncsn/parameters/ncsn.stations. Catalog and Phase Data The catalog and phase data consists of data from 1968 through the present. The catalog is comprised of earthquake locations based on P and S arrival time data from analog microfilm records (pre-1984), the Real-Time-Pickers (RTP) (1981 and after), the CalTech-USGS-Seismic-Processing System (CUSP) (1984 and after), as well as arrival time data from deployments of portable seismographs. In addition, arrival time data for events recorded by the University of Nevada, the California Institute of Technology, Tera Corporation (Humbolt Bay), Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation, and Woodward-Clyde Consultants have been merged into the NCSN database. Both individual Wood-Anderson amplitude measure- ments and the UCB catalog magnitudes were merged into the NCSN database to provide an independent estimate of magni- tude. Because the CUSP and RTP systems detect and locate earthquakes independently, their data are merged together to generate a comprehensive catalog. CUSP data takes precedence over RTP data for events which have data from both sources. The merged arrival time data is relocated using the program HYPOINVERSE (Klein, 1989). The format for the catalog and phase data is HYPOINVERSE Shadow format, which is described in manual pages, _n_c_s_n._c_a_t_a_l_o_g and _n_c_s_n._p_h_a_s_e. The location of the catalog and phase data is described in manual page _i_n_f_o. SunOS 5.7 Last change: 26 April 1993 1 Misc. Reference Manual Pages NCSN(5Q) Program eqselect allows the user to select a subset of the catalog satisgying user defined criteria. Program extract extracts the hypoinverse and phase information for selected events from the online NCSN phase files. Digital Seismograms The digital seismograms were recorded with the CUSP system, a complete earthquake detection, location, and data manage- ment system developed by Carl Johnson of the United States Geologic Survey. The seismograms were digitized at 100 samples/sec with 12 bit A/D resolution. The data for each event is contained in a mem and grm file in CUSP format. At the data center, the grm file contains the demultiplexed waveform data in big-endian (eg SUN) byte order. Digital seismograms recorded during the period March 1984 - September 1990 may have missing data samples. Program chktc is provided to identify the occurrence of missing samples. Retrieval of the grm and mem files is performed using pro- grams getseis and getmem. Program cusp2ah is provided to convert the grm and mem files to ahxdr format file. To retrieve grm and mem files, the cuspid of the event is required. The cuspid can be obtained in the catalog record. To convert the waveform files to CUSP VAX format: 1) Retrieve the seismogram with getseis using the uncompress option. 2) Then using the following command to convert to VAX btye order: dd if=cuspid of=xcuspid.grm conv=swab e.g. dd if=2053544 of=x2053544.grm conv=swab NOTE: When using ftp to transfer the data files to your local computer, use the binary option. For more information, contact: Barbara Bogaert, bogaert@andreas.wr.usgs.gov, 415-329-5001 AUTHOR Barbara Bogaert, USGS Menlo Park, California SunOS 5.7 Last change: 26 April 1993 2 Misc. Reference Manual Pages NCSN(5Q) SEE ALSO extract(1), catalog(5), ncsn(5) ncsn.phase(5), ncsn.catalog(5), ncsn.stations(5) SunOS 5.7 Last change: 26 April 1993 3