NCEDC EVENT WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL SYSTEM EVT_FAST(5) NAME EVT_FAST, evt_fast - EVenT waveform requests, FAST SYNOPSIS EVT_FAST DESCRIPTION EVT_FAST is a processing system at the NCEDC which receives email requests for (primarily NCSN) event waveforms archived at the NCEDC, and provides access to these waveforms for FTP retrieval over the Internet. An EVT_FAST request file is similar in concept to BREQ_FAST or NetDC request files, but instead of requesting data by network, station, channel, location, and time, you request data by the NCEDC event id. All waveforms at the NCEDC that are associated with the specified event will be made avail- able to you. You can request that the data is made avail- able on one of several standard formats: SEED, MSEED (Min- iSEED), SAC BINARY, or SAC ASCII. The NCEDC does not currently have the facilities to create tapes for automated data requests. Therefore, the .MEDIA and .ALTERNATE MEDIA lines are ignored, and all EVT_FAST data will be made available via the Internet through FTP. FILE FORMAT The format of an EVT_FAST request file is as follows: .EVT_FAST_REQUEST .NAME Your Name .INST Your Institution .MAIL Your mailing address .EMAIL you@yourhost .PHONE yourphone# .FAX yourfaxnumber .LABEL name_for_output_file .MEDIA ftp .FORMAT_WAVEFORM SEED | MSEED | SACBINARY | SACASCII | AH .END .SEEDSNCL .SEEDNSCL .SEEDNSLC .EVENTID eventid .EVENTID domain.eventid ... .EVENTID eventidN The format of each line is as follows: NCEDC Last change: January 16, 2013 1 NCEDC EVENT WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL SYSTEM EVT_FAST(5) .EVT_FAST_REQUEST must be the first line of the request, and identifies this as an EVT_FAST data request. NAME Your Name specifies your name. Your output will be filed under your name in the NCEDC anonymous FTP directory. .INST Your Institution specifies the name of your institution. .MAIL Your Mailing address specifies your postal mail address. .PHONE yourphone# specifies your phone number. .FAX yourfax# specifies your fax number. .LABEL name_for_output_file is the name that will be used for your output tar file. .MEDIA ftp specifies how your data will be delivered to you. The NCEDC only supports FTP (no tape). FORMAT_WAVEFORM SEED | MSEED | SACBINARY | SACASCCII specifies which format in which you want want the waveform data. The default format is SEED. All other formats except for MSEED will be formed by creating a SEED volume and using RDSEED to extract the data in the specified format. MSEED (MiniSEED) data will be created directly. You must specify only one of the data formats. specify.B .END specifies that the header values are done, and that the remaining lines specify the events and optional channel selections. .SEEDSNCL .SEEDNSCL .SEEDNSLC are optional lines that allow you to select only a sub- set of the the data channel from the events. If you do not include any of these channel selection lines in your request, you will receive all of the data channels for the events. You may use as many of these lines as NCEDC Last change: January 16, 2013 2 NCEDC EVENT WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL SYSTEM EVT_FAST(5) necessary to specify the channels you want. Each of the above lines differs only in the order in which you specify the network, station, channel, and location. An empty location code should be specified as the empty string, eg: .SEEDSNCL KBO.NC.HHE. .SEEDNSLC NC.KBO..HHE both specify channel HHE with an empty location code from the NC station KBO. You may use Unix wildcard characters in any of the net- work, station, channel, or location components. * matches 0 or more characters ? matches exactly 1 character The channel selection commands must appear AFTER the .END line, and apply to ALL events in the request. .EVENTID eventid .EVENTID NC.eventid .EVENTID EGS.eventid specifies the eventid of the event for which you want waveform data with an optional event Domain prefix (eg earthquake catalog specifier). Each .EVENT line may have only one eventid, but you may specify as many .EVENT lines as you want. A Domain prefix specifies the "catalog source" for which the eventid. If no Domain prefix is specified, the NC (NCSS) prefix is assumed. The prefix and eventid are separated with a period ("."). Currently supported domains are NC for the NCSS catalog, and EGS for the DOE EGS catalog. SAMPLE EVT_FAST FILE An example of a valid short EVT_FAST file .EVT_FAST_REQUEST .NAME Joe Seismologist .INST Podunk University .MAIL 101 Fast Lane, Middletown, KS 89432 .EMAIL .PHONE 555 555-1212 .FAX 555 555-1213 .LABEL My First Request .FORMAT_WAVEFORM SACBINARY .MEDIA FTP .END .SEEDSNCL *.*.HH?. .SEEDSNCL *.*.EH?. .EVENTID 21200813 .EVENTID NC.21200815 .EVENTID EGS.2000027 NCEDC Last change: January 16, 2013 3 NCEDC EVENT WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL SYSTEM EVT_FAST(5) SUBMITTING YOUR REQUESTS Once you have generated your EVT_FAST file you can simply mail it via email to When the NCEDC receives your request, it will extract the specified data channels from the specified events, collect the data into a gzipped tar file, place the file in an appropriate anonymous FTP directory, and send you email informing you where and how to retrieve the data. NOTES 1. The NCEDC currently hosts multiple earthquake catalogs. The eventid on the .EVENTID line may have one of the follow- ing prefixes to indicated which event catalog should be used to find the specified eventid. NC - NCSS (Northern California Seismic System) catalog EGS - DOE EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) catalog If no prefix is specified, the default catalog used is the NC catalog. 2. Since the SAC formats are derived from a SEED volume, they should have the station coordinates from the NCEDC in the headers. 3. The file created by the NCEDC with your data will be a gzipped tar file, containing a separate directory for each specified event. To unpack the file, you need the gzip and tar programs, which can be found at the web site NCEDC Last change: January 16, 2013 4