TUPLES Syntax: tuples [io_unit] [mem_type] [rid1 rid2 ....] Function: Lists (ASCII) the contents of an event .mem file. Output can be written either to the terminal or to the disk file in the default directory. Known tuples are listed in collated order; the tuple attributes are specified as described in the documentation file cusp/Data/event.doc. A missing/undefined attribute is indicated by an "*", otherwise its value is listed. Input: 4 or more arguments. First required, rest optional. id = cusp_id of the input .mem file io_unit = term ; output written to terminal device file ; output written to file: .tup mem_type = x ; letter prefix of .mem file rid1 ... = type of tuple to list, if absent, all are listed. all rids must be uppercase. TUPLES Examples ls *.mem x123456.mem x123567.mem (Confirm existance of desired .mem file data.) tuples 123456 (Lists to the terminal all tuples found in the file x123456.mem.) tuples 123456 term x SET SYN (As above, but lists to the terminal only the set and syn tuples.) tuples 123456 file x PIX (Lists in the file 123456.tup all PIX tuples found in x123456.mem.)