Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) NAME eqselect - filter to select earthquakes satisfying user- defined criteria SYNTAX eqselect [_o_p_t_i_o_n...] [_f_i_l_e...] DESCRIPTION eqselect reads earthquake catalog cards of various formats from an on-line catalog, specified _f_i_l_e_s or standard input, and outputs those whose locations, magnitudes, or other characteristics agree with criteria specified in the command-line _o_p_t_i_o_ns. If neither the -catalog option or specific files are specified, input data will read from _s_t_d_i_n. eqselect writes the selected information to stdout. If you want the selected information to be written to an output file, use the shell I/O redirection eqselect ...options... > outputfilename to send the output to a file. OPTIONS The following command-line _o_p_t_i_o_ns can be used to control the program. Options are scanned from left to right; if conflicting _o_p_t_i_o_ns are given, the rightmost one takes pre- cedence. Only enough characters need be given to uniquely identify an _o_p_t_i_o_n. -help [_o_p_t_i_o_n ...] Print brief explanations of the meanings of the named _o_p_t_i_o_ns. If no _o_p_t_i_o_ns are named, descriptions are printed for all _o_p_t_i_o_n_s. The explanations are written to the standard error output. -format _n_c_s_n | _m_e_c_h | _u_c_b | _c_n_s_s | _f__c_n_s_s | _r_e_d_i Selects the format of the files to be searched. This option only specifies what format to expect when read- ing input data. It does NOT imply that the data will come from the online catalog for this format. If you wish to read data from the online catalog, you must use the -catalog option. eqselect can search events that are in one of several format. The table below outlines the currently supported formats: Format Description ______________________________________________________ ncsn NCSN earthquake catalog format (HYPOINVERSE or HYP2000) mech NCSN earthquake first motion mechanism format (MECH or MECH2000) cnss CNSS earthquake catalog format. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 1 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) fcnss Full CNSS earthquake catalog format. ucb UCB earthquake catalog format. redi REDI earthquake catalog format. The default format is _n_c_s_n. The program will automati- cally determine whether files in ncsn and mech formats are in the older 2-digit year format (HYPOINVERSE and MECH) or in the newer 4-digit year format (HYP2000 and MEC2000). -catalog Specifies that the on-line data files should be searched in addition to any specified input files. Note that input will NOT be read from stdin when this option is used. The location of the on-line data is dependent on the _f_o_r_m_a_t option for the data. For each format, a variable specifies the directory that con- tains the on-line data for that format. The variable may be either an environment variable or a variable in a system-wide LOCATIONS file. The following table shows the variable used for each format. These values of these variables should be already defined by the systems administrator. Format | Variable | Description _________|_________________|________________________________________________ ncsn | CUSPCATDIR | Dir containing NCSN event catalog. mech | CUSPMECHDIR | Dir containing NCSN focal mechanism data. ucb | UCBCATDIR | Dir containing UCB event catalog. cnss | CNSSCATDIR | Dir containing CNSS event catalog. fullcnss| FULLCNSSCATDIR| Dir containing CNSS event full format catalog. redi | REDICATDIR | Dir containing REDI event catalog. -latitude _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with latitudes between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. These limits are measured in degrees, and may option- ally be followed immediately by one or two fields specifying minutes and seconds. If multiple fields are used, they must be separated from each other by colons : . For example, 37.5 and 37:30 both specify the same latitude -- the first specifies it in decimal degrees, and the second specifies it in degrees and minutes. -longitude _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with longitudes between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. These are in the same format as the latitude lim- its, described above. (Note: West longitudes are negative!) -depth _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with focal depths between _m_i_n and SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 2 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) _m_a_x (km). -time _s_t_a_r_t _e_n_d Selects earthquakes with origin times between the epochs _s_t_a_r_t and _e_n_d, which are given in the form yyyymmddhhmmss . The full 4-digit year must now be specified. The seconds field may contain a decimal point and a fractional part, but in any case the integral part must be two digits, even if they are zeros. An epoch may optionally be followed by an offset consisting of a + or - sign and one or more occurrences of a number followed by a d, h, m, or s character (for days, hours, minutes, or seconds). For example, +1.5d and +1d12h mean the same thing. This option is also used with the -catalog entry to limit the number of catalog files to search. -magnitude _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with magnitudes between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. The specific field(s) in the input data used for the magnitude are specified by the -mtype option. -mtype _t_y_p_e__1,_t_y_p_e__2,...,_t_y_p_e__n Specifies an ordered list of magnitude types that should be used for the magnitude selection specified by the -magnitude option. If the magnitude value is empty (or zero) for a specified magnitude type, the value for the next magnitude type will be examined. Since not all events have values for all magnitude types, this allow you to specify a preferred list of magnitudes to used when searching on magnitude values. The current magnitude types are: magtype formats description __________________________________________________________________________ pref ncsn,cnss Preferred magnitude. md ncsn Coda duration magnitude. mx ncsn Amplitude duration magnitude. avg ncsn,mech Average of coda (md) and amp (mx) magnitudes. ml ncsn,ucb Richter magnitude from UCB stations BKS,ARC,MIN,MHC. mlt ncsn,ucb Synonym for ML. mln ucb Network ML from all UCB stations. mlm ncsn ML computed by Menlo from UCB amplitudes. mlb ucb Simulated ML from 14-kg Benioff seismometer. mw ncsn,ucb Moment magnitude Mw. coda ncsn Synonym for md (depricated) amp ncsn Synonym for mx (depricated) mml ncsn Synonym for mlm (depricated) bm ucb Synonym for mlb (depricated) The default mtype search orders are: SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 3 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) Input data format Default mtype list __________________________________________________ ncsn pref,mw,mlm,ml,md,mx mech avg ucb mw,mln,ml,mlb cnss preferred magnitude in catalog -etype _l_e_t_t_e_r_s Selects catalog entries for any of the specified event types. Valid event types are: A for ALL events, E for Earthquakes (including Felt earthquakes), Q for Quarry blasts, N for Nuclear tests, R for Reflection/Refraction blasts, and F for Felt Earth- quakes (not currently used). The difference between upper and lower case letters is ignored. The default event type is E. [_n_c_s_n format only] -closest _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with distances to the closest sta- tion between _m_i_n and _m_a_x (km). -nstations _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with the number of stations between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. For the _n_c_s_n format, this uses columns 37-39. -rms _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with root-mean-squared residuals between _m_i_n and _m_a_x (s). -gap _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with azimuthal gaps between _m_i_n and _m_a_x (deg). -quality _l_e_t_t_e_r_s Selects earthquakes with specified quality codes (e.g. acd). The difference between upper and lower case letters is ignored. [_u_c_b format only] -m0 _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes with scalar momemt M0 between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. [_u_c_b format only] -nm0 _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes that where the number of stations used to determine the scalar moment M0 is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x stations. [_u_c_b format only] -nmag _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes that where the number of stations used to determine the magnitude is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x stations. The specific field(s) in the catalog card SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 4 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) used to determine magnitude is specified with the - mtype option. [_u_c_b format only] -errtime _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes where the error in the origin time of the event is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. [_u_c_b format only] -errlatitude _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes where the error in the latitude of the event is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. [_u_c_b format only] -errlongitide _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes where the error in the longitude of the event is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. [_u_c_b format only] -errhorizontal _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes where the error in the horizontal location is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x km. [_n_c_s_n, _m_e_c_h, _c_n_s_s format only] -errdepth _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes where the error in the deptch is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x km. -felt Selects earthquakes that were reported as being felt by one or more people. [_u_c_b format only] -polygon _l_a_t _l_o_n... Selects earthquakes within a polygon. The polygon is specified as three or more pairs of values, each pair giving the latitude and longitude of a vertex of the polygon. The format of these latitudes and longitudes is the same as that for latitude limits, described above. (Note: West longitudes are negative!) -delta _l_a_t _l_o_n _m_i_n _m_a_x Selects earthquakes whose distance from the point (_l_a_t, _l_o_n) is between _m_i_n and _m_a_x. The format for _l_a_t and _l_o_n is the same as that for latitude limits, described above. (Note: West longitudes are negative!) _M_i_n and _m_a_x are measured in kilometers. -negate print events that FAIL the specified selection criteria instead of printing events that meet the selection cri- teria. EXAMPLES To select earthquakes larger than magnitude 3 from the entire on-line catalog: SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 5 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) eqselect -catalog -mag 3 10 To select earthquakes within a two-day interval from the NCSN catalog set t=19840301123456.7 eqselect -catalog -time $t-2d $t To select earthquakes within a two-day interval from the UCB catalog set t=19840301123456.7 eqselect -catalog -format ucb -time $t-2d $t To select earthquakes from the catalog using a number of options, which are stored in the file option_file (Note the use of grave accents, not to be confused with apostrophes): eqselect -format ncsn -catalog `cat option_file` To re-select events that were previously extracted into mul- tiple files ending in .subset use one of the following: cat *.subset | eqselect ... eqselect ... *.subset To select earthquakes larger than magnitude 5 from the on- line NCSN mechanism files: eqselect -catalog -format mech -mag 5 10 NOTES The time arguments must now include the full 4-digit year. You may no longer use a 2 digit year. It is STRONLY suggested that you limit your searches when- ever possible with the -time option whenever you use the -catalog option. Otherwise, all catalog files on the system will be searched, and this can take a considerable amount of time. ENVIRONMENT The following variables must be defined in the shell in which extract is invoked: CUSPCATDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the NCSN catalog data. CUSPMECHDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the NCSN mechanism data. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 6 Misc. Reference Manual Pages EQSELECT(1Q) UCBCATDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the UCB catalog data. CNSSCATDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the CNSS hybrid catalog data. FULLCNSSCATDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the UCB full catalog data. REDICATDIR Pathname of the directory hierarchy containing all of the REDI catalog data. SEE ALSO extract(1), catalog(5), ncsn(5) ncsn.phase(5), ncsn.catalog(5), ucb(5), ucb.catalog(5), ucb.phase(5) AUTHOR Adapted from qselect program Bruce R. Julian, USGS Menlo Park, Calif. Modified by Doug Neuhauser, UCB Seismographic Station, Calif. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 26 April 1993 7