DATACENTER COMMANDS CATLIST(1) NAME catlist - list earthquake catalog entries in a readable for- mat. SYNOPSIS catlist [-m mag_type_1,mag_type_2,... ] [-f ncsn | ucb | mech | cnss] [-nheader] [-D m|j] [-h] [input_file [output_file] ] DESCRIPTION The catlist program will print selected fields from either NCSN catalog, NCSN mechanism, UCB catalog, or CNSS catalog entries in an easy-to-read format. The format of the file is automatically determined, although you may specify the format if you desire. Each catalog entry field is identi- fied on the header line. The catalog entry fields displayed are: Heading Description ________________________________________________________________ Date Date of event. Date of the earthquake in the format yyyy/mm/dd where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day of the month. Time Time of event. Origin time of the earthquake in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) in the format where hh is the hour, mm is the minute, and is the second. UTC is 8 hours ahead of PST and 7 hours ahead of PDT. If you are looking for an earthquake which you felt at a particular time, remember to convert to UTC. Lat Latitude (in decimal degrees). Latitude of the earthquake in degrees. Positive latitudes are North; negative latitudes are South. Lon Longitude (in decimal degrees). Longitude of the earthquake in degrees. Positive longitudes are East; negative longitudes are West. Depth Depth (km). The depth of the earthquake in km. Mag Magnitude. The magnitude of the earthquake. Earthquakes often may differ, depending on the method of measurement. In general, the cataloged magnitude has been determined to be the most reliable. Magt Magnitude type. Identification of the magnitude type. Commonly used identifiers are: Mw ML,MLt,MLn,MLm,MLb - Local Richter magnitudes UC Berkeley Last change: 20 November 2002 1 DATACENTER COMMANDS CATLIST(1) Mc - Coda amplitude magnitude Md - Coda duration magnitude Mx - Max amplitude magnitude Mavg - Average of Mx and Md magnitudes mb - Body-wave magnitude Ms - Surface-wave magnitude Me - Energy magnitude Mlg - Lg magnitude Nst Number of stations (or phases) used to compute the location. Gap Maxumum Azimuthal gap The azimuthal gap of the hypocenter solution in degrees. If you have have a line between each station and the hypocenter, the largest angle between any 2 lines is the gap. In general, the smaller the gap, the better the location. Clo Distance of closest station to event (km). The distance to closest station used in creating the location in km. RMS RMS travel time residual. The root mean square of the travel-time residuals in computing the location. Essentially, it is a measure of how well the event is located. Smaller is better. Event ID Event_id (0 if no id) (not for CNSS) Internal identifier for "tagging" events. SRC Source of event info (for CNSS) The reporting source for the solution (ie what organization is responsible for the solution) See the options below for details on the magnitude field. OPTIONS -f ncsn | ucb | mech specifies the format of the input catalog file to be read. The supported options are ncsn, mech, ucb, and cnss. The format of the file is normally determined automatically, but you may specify the format with this option if you desire. -nheader supressed the printing of the header lines that iden- tify each output field. You may want to suppress the header lines if the out output from catlist is to be used as input to another program. -D m|j specifies that the date should be printed in either year/month/day or julian (day-of-year) format. The UC Berkeley Last change: 20 November 2002 2 DATACENTER COMMANDS CATLIST(1) default format is year/month/day format. -m _t_y_p_e__1,_t_y_p_e__2,...,_t_y_p_e__n Specifies an optional ordered list of magnitude types that should be used for the magnitude field. If the magnitude value is empty (or zero) for a specified mag- nitude type, the value for the next magnitude type will be examined. Since not all events have values for all magnitude types, this allow you to specify a preferred list of magnitudes to used when searching on magnitude values. The current magnitude types are: magtype formats description __________________________________________________________________ pref ncsn,cnss Preferred magnitude. ml ncsn,ucb Richter ML magnitude from BKS,ARC,MIN,MHC. mlm ncsn ML computed by Menlo from UCB amplitudes. mlt ucb Synonym for ML. mln ucb "Network" ML (from all UCB stations). mlb ucb Simulated ML from 14-kg Benioff seismometer. md ncsn Coda magnitude. mx ncsn Amplitude magnitude. avg ncsn,mech Average of Coda and Amp magnitudes. mw ncsn,ucb Momemt magnitude Mw. The default magnitude search orders are: Input data format Default magnitude list __________________________________________ ncsn pref,mw,mlm,ml,md,mx mech avg ucb mw,mln,ml,mlb cnss pref -h prints out a summary help message with the command syn- tax. _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e specifies the name of the input catalog file to be read. If no input file is specified, the program will read catalog lines from stdin. _o_u_t_p_u_t__f_i_l_e specifies the name of the output catalog file to be written. If no output file is specified, the program will write to stdout. Note that you cannot specify an output file without specifying an input file. EXAMPLES catlist mylist.catalog will read the NCSN catalog entries from mylist.catalog UC Berkeley Last change: 20 November 2002 3 DATACENTER COMMANDS CATLIST(1) and write the formatted output to stdout (normally the terminal). catlist -f ucb mylist.catalog mylist.list will read the UCB catalog entries from mylist.catalog and write the formatted output to mylist.list. eqselect -catalog -t 940101000000 940201000000 -mag 5 9 | catlist will search the online NCSN catalog for January 1994 for events >= magnitude 5, and display the output using catlist in an easy-to-read format. eqselect -catalog -t 940101000000 940201000000 -mag 5 9 >; catlist will search the online NCSN catalog for January 1994 for events >= magnitude 5, save the output to the file, and then display the output using catlist in an easy-to-read format. SEE ALSO eqselect (1), catalog(5), ncsn(5) ncsn.phase(5), ncsn.catalog(5), ucb(5), ucb.catalog(5), ucb.phase(5) AUTHOR Please report bugs and address questions to: UC Berkeley Last change: 20 November 2002 4