- Request #153 (L. Gee/E. Yu): Addition of new event types. Mapping of AQMS/QuakeMl event types. ------------------------------ 1.- The NCSS is interested in seeing some event types added to AQMS and, further, adding the QuakeML types to the database as described below in order to standardize the mapping of AQMS event types to QuakeML event types. The NCSS is particularly interested in adding: CX: controlled explosion (useful instead of CHEMICAL EXPLOSION) AX: accidental explosion (like accidental fertilizer/refinery/gas explosions , like San Bruno gas pipe explosion in 2010) HE: hydroacoustic event (we had a few of these detected in NC from the Hawaiian Kilauea eruptions earlier this year) IE: induced or trig... RL: reservoir loading FI: fluid injection FE: fluid extraction AE: anthropogenic event ==> Approved. - The AQMS currently supports the following QuakeML event types: eq: earthquake co: mine collapse bc: building collapse sh: explosion ex: chemical explosion qb: quarry blast nt: nuclear explosion rb: rock burst pc: plane crash sn: sonic boom th: thunder av: snow avalanche df: debris avalanche ls: landslide rs: rockslide mi: meteorite ve: volcanic eruption - We approved the addition of the following QuakeML event types to AQMS: ne: not existing nr: not reported ae: anthropogenic event cl: collapse cc: cavity collapse ax: accidental explosion cx: controlled explosion ee: experimental explosion de: industrial explosion me: mining explosion rc: road cut bl: blasting levee ie: induced or triggered event rl: reservoir loading fi: fluid injection fe: fluid extraction cr: crash tc: train crash oc: boat crash oe: other event pe: atmospheric event sb: sonic blast an: acoustic noise al: avalanche he: hydroacoustic event iq: ice quake sl: slide - I did check the QuakeML documentation and no new event types have been added to it recently. 2.- Proposal to add QuakeML event types to the database. The idea would be to add a new field to the EventType table that would provide a mapping to the equivalent QuakeMl event type. That table would look something like: Name Null Type ----------------------------------------------------------------- ETYPE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(2) NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(80) QMLTYPE VARCHAR2(80) For each database event type, a corresponding QuakeMl type (if applicable) would be specified in the QMLTYPE field. This would allow applications (e.g. qml) to query this table in order to retrieve the appropriate QuakeMl event type and not having to maintain a hard coded mapping list inside the program. Another benefit of this approach would be that whenever a new database or QuakeMl event type is added, applications would not need to be modified. ==> Approved. - Request #158 (L. Gee): Designating events in the catalog as unlocatable ------------------------ The PRSN folks maintain a catalog of observed events with a few phase readings, but the events do not have locations. We currently do not have a specific field to designate events that cannot be located. In order to associate phase readings with such an event, we would most likely define a bogus origin (lat & lon of 0 and bogusflag set to 1). We could set the event type to "uk" (unknown) and insert a comment in the Event or Origin row indicating that this event cannot currently be located. One proposal is to add a new possible value for the Origin.type field. Currently we have: type = {H | C | A | D | U} H = hypocenter C = centroid A = amplitude D = double difference U = unknown A "N" value could mean "non locatable". ==> Approved. - Request #159 (R. Hartog): PCS_STATE table Primary Key --------------------------- From Renate: I changed the PCS function and kept the primary key the same (group,source,state,id), and though we have not run into issues, I am not very satisfied with the level of testing that we have done. However, that is what is in the DB/branches/uw-dev-branch/DBpg directory. That is the only DB directory suitable for PostgreSQL, the rest of the DB/ stuff is all Oracle specific. It would be more safe to make the PK: group,source,state,id,rank (CalTech) or even more permissive group,source,state,id,lddate (UCB). - Request #152 (P. Friberg): VERSION table for tracking database changes ---------------------------- Version table to be added to track the version of the AQMS DB installed at a site. Fields: version - a number that increments with each version tracking_info - the SVN tag or release number or git URL to grab that version lddate - when was this DB updated Then we start tracking this in our DB repo for any changes and provide new insert statements for the VERSION table after we make any changes. ==> Approved. Add 'remark - Optional remarks' field. Track schema and stored procedures changes. - Request #157 (S. Zuzlewski): AssocArO.ema definition erroneous ------------------------------ The current schema definition (assocaro.ema is the *residual* between the observed/calculated emergence angle) is incorrect. The following definition is proposed: AssocArO.ema : the takeoff (emergence) angle at the source, measured in degrees, wrt vertical DOWN. ema=0 leaves the source straight down, while ema=180 leaves the source straight up; calculated in Hypoinverse using the velocity model. Clara Yoon checked the Jiggle source codes and agreed with the proposed definition. ==> Approved.