------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request #98: Clarify meaning of NetMag.nsta (D. Given): ======================================================= Doc says: "This quantity is the number of observations with non-zero input weights used to compute the magnitude or mechanism". This implies number of amps or codas. The name nsta implies the number of stations. For Md & codas we've agreed that: Col. 101: Total of duration mag weights. For the db, need to count the # of weighted values, not just use the value in this field. For Ml we've been writing # of stations NOT readings (amps). Suggestion: change Jiggle to # readings for consistency. (column name would be misleading) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Approved. Jiggle has already been updated to write the # of readings. Checked with Pete, Trimag in the RT writes the # of stations; it needs to be updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request #24: LDDATE in ALL fields should be updated on INSERT and UPDATE (D. Given): ===================================================================================== Updates from D. Given: Set default value of LDDATE = SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP). Related new request: change documentation to remove "or last modified". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Refused. LDDATE should be only updated in INSERT. LDDATE standard should be UTC time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request #109: Change lddate to include timezone (E. Yu): ======================================================== To prevent confusion and proper handling of timestamps, the lddate column should include timezone information. The decision to implement this should be independent of whether this column is populated uniformly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Discussed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------